Cultural Program

We want our students to have a good time in Brazil just as much as we want them to learn Portuguese. For this reason, you should let us know what else, besides studying Portuguese, you would like to do in Florianópolis.

Some activities are organized by the school while others are organized by our partners or are activities available in Florianópolis for you to explore at will. Practicing what you learn in the classroom in real interactions with Brazilian people will speed up the learning process and help you acquire fluency a lot faster. And that is what cultural immersion is all about!!

Here are some of the things you can do in Florianópolis:

  • Language Exchange

    Take part in a “language exchange” with local students. Meet at the school, park or beach and exchange an hour of your language for an hour of Portuguese. A great way to make new friends and learn more about Brazilian culture.

  • Learn more

    To learn more about Brazil, you will have classes that include knowledge about Brazilian music and videos. You will have lectures on topics that will contribute to your understanding of Brazilian culture and history and this will greatly improve your experience when you visit historical places and museums.

  • Bike rides

    Do what the locals do: go for a bike ride along Beira-Mar Avenue and watch a beautiful sunset. On the way home, stop and have some delicious sugar cane juice with your new friends.

  • Take a trip

    Take a trip to the top of Morro da Cruz (this hill overlooks the entire downtown and offers you a 360° view of the island). Don’t forget to bring your camera. Some of your best pictures will be taken from there.

  • Relax at the beach

    Enjoy the sun and drink a “coco” at Praia Mole. Relax, forget about your problems and enjoy one of Florianópolis’ best beaches.

  • Go for a hike

    Spend the day hiking on a trail that will take you from Barra da Lagoa to Galheta. The trail goes all the way to the top of one of the highest hills on the island, allowing you to view the ocean and Lagoa da Conceição at the same time.

  • Enjoy local food

    Have dinner out with your friends and enjoy the local gastronomy. The city is famous for its many excellent seafood and Italian restaurants.

  • Go out with new friends

    Go out with school staff and friends. Florianópolis has a renowned night life and the many bars and nightclubs spread around town offer a variety of styles of décor and music that will surprise you.

Note: Some of the activities are free of charge while others will have a small cost for the student. For example: bus fare, drinks, food, bike rentals, museum tickets and others.